
As my blog name suggests, this blog will be like a learning journal. I won't go step by step on each dessert on what to do, but instead focus on the technique(s) I was learning and what I discovered while in the process of making it. I hope you will learn a thing or two, or if anything, use this as a reference and get ideas for your dessert-making. Happy decorating!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Blue Flower Bouquet Diaper Cake

diapers (size 1), string, 6" cake pan, ribbon, tissue paper (blue and green), gift card
Focus-tissue paper flowers and wrap
Here's where this diaper cake idea started.  This diaper cake was for a mom of five, so I wasn't sure what she would need.  I figured one can't go wrong with giving diapers and gift cards!  I didn't want to just hand her a bag of diapers, so I started looking around YouTube for a creative way to wrap them.  I don't remember how, but I stumbled across this site and liked the look of the "vase".  Obviously, I used diapers instead of toilet paper rolls.  I then used this site for the tissue paper flowers.  Again, here's the link to the diaper stacking site.  For the flowers, I added leaves by cutting small rectangles, folding them in the middle (like you would for gift bags) so that all the corners are close together, and then taping each to the back of a flower.  The gift card was taped to a skewer, but I suggest getting the skewer through the diaper cake first.
This diaper cake was decorated June 2012.

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